National TV Company (UA:Pershiy / UA:The first)

The channel started broadcasting with the creation of television in Ukraine in 1939. However, the State Television Company of Ukraine was established by the government in 1992. In 2002, the presidential decree granted the channel the status of National. The Public TV is a joint stock company, 100% owned by the state. The company contains the national radio broadcaster "Culture", 29 local television companies, and the State Enterprise "Ukrtelefilm." It has a satellite broadcasting. This reform is also supported by the joint program of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Strengthening of information society in Ukraine" and the Deutsche Welle Akademie.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
free content
Media Companies / Groups
National Television Company of Ukraine (UA: Pershiy)
Ownership Structure
Voting Rights
General Information
Founding Year
Started broadcasting in 1939 but the company was founded by Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine in 1995
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Affiliated Interests Founder
Central body of the executive branch of power in Ukraine. Also is a founder of Ukrainian Radio (National Radio company of Ukraine) and State News Agency “Ukrinform”, newspaper “Courier of government”
Zurab Alasania
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Born in 1965, in Sukhumi (Georgia). He graduated from Kharkiv Civil Engineering Institute. In 1997-2000 he worked as a journalist in the studio "Telemak" and TV company "Simon" in Kharkiv. In 2000 co-founded the Media Group "Objective" in 2006 founded the agency "Mediaport" and weekly "MediaPost" in Kharkiv. In 2005-2010 years – Director of the Kharkiv regional state broadcasting company. There was a group of founders In 2014 he was appointed General Director of the National Television Company.
Vladyslav Gruzynskyi
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Producer of informational broadcasting of the National Television Company
Other Important People
Egor Benkendorf
Affiliated Interests other important people
Former CEO of the National Television Company, now he is a chairman of the Executive Board at “Inter” TV channel, where also worked before joining the National Television Company.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
State budget provided UAH 747 millions (USD 30 millions). According to preliminary estimates in 2017 UAH 1.8 billion (USD 47 millions) will be allocated from the state budget.
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Market Share
Further Information
Президент підписав закон, що розблоковує реформу суспільного мовлення:
«UА:Перший» запускає «Новини: Культура»:
«UA: Перший» — мають бути всі формати, крім нудних
Вечірній інформаційний блок UΛ:Перший і "Культури" буде насиченим – продюсер інформаційного мовлення НТКУ Владислав Грузинський
Meta Data
The channel is being reformed and is in the process of transition from state to public (creation of JSC "National public TV channel Ukraine"), therefore, some structural units stipulated by law, are not yet in place.
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and civic formations. Retrieved in August 2016, from
State register of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. Retrieved in August 2016, from
Official web-site of UA: Pershiy. Retrieved in August 2016, from
Official web-site of Parliament of Ukraine. ЗАКОН УКРАЇНИ Про Суспільне телебачення і радіомовлення України. Retrieved in August 2016, from
MediaSapiens. Суспільне мовлення. Retrieved in August 2016, from
Official web-site of the Parliament of Ukraine. Постанова КМУ про деякі питання Національної телекомпанії України. Retrieved in August 2016, from
(2016, September 6). MediaSapiens. З 2017 року зарплата кожного працівника НТКУ та її філій збільшиться. Retrieved in August 2016 from
(2016, January 5). MediaSapiens. У держбюджеті-2016 замало коштів на Суспільне мовлення. Retrieved in August 2016 from
(2016, August 1). MediaSapiens. 11 кроків створення Суспільного мовлення: інфографіка. Retrieved in August 2016 from
Official web-site of Parliament of Ukraine. Наглядова рада НСТУ. Retrieved in August 2016, from
Official web-site of UA: Pershiy. Retrieved in August 2016, from
(2015, January 20). Official web-site of UA: Pershiy. НТКУ знає, як заробити на рекламі. Retrieved in August 2016 from
Official web-site of the National Council of Ukraine of Television and Radio Broadcasting. НТКУ. Retrieved in August 2016, from