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Global Media Registry

1+1 Media

1+1 Media

Today "1+1 media" is a holding which joins together several information and entertainment channels, as well as has foreign language broadcasting, news agency "UNIAN" with its own TV- and radio channels, websites and “Glavred". In year 2010 the company became definitive property of Ihor Kolomoyskyi ”Privat Group”. In 2016 "1+1 Media" arranged an agreement about purchasing the “Viasat Ukraina”.

Key facts

Business Form


Legal Form

Corporations and LLC: Corporation is different from all another business types, because corporation is a substantive artificial person and subject of taxation, apart from the people who own, control and manage it. By reason of that independent status of

Business Sectors

Broadcasting; Advertising; Production; Education; Distribution of content; Internet services; Food industry (catering company “Efir”)


Individual Owner

Ihor Kolomoyskyi

Born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1963, got a degree as engineer-metallurgist at the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. He is a key person at the financial-industrial group "Privat". The main interests of this group are: the petroleum industry, metallurgy, mining and chemical industry, finance. Most known as one of the owners of PJSC "Privatbank" and the football club "Dnepr". In April 2010, the Harley Trading Limited company, which is owned by Igor Kolomoisky bought a group "1+1 Media" from the international company CME (Central European Media Enterprises Ltd). In 2011 Kolomoisky has been elected as president of the European Jewish Union (EJU) for five years. EJU was established to coordinate the activities of the Jewish communities in Europe. In March 2014, after Euromaidan, Kolomoisky entered public politics — became the Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. After his resignation in 2015 he continued to take part in public politics (he's associated with parties "Ukrop", "Vidrodzhennya", has influence over certain politicians, the members of other political forces). Married, has two children.

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other TV Outlets

“1+1” (audience share 11%)

Other Online Outlets

Information Agency UNIAN (audience share 9,9%)


Media Business

Media Business

TV Broadcasting | 1+1, Plus Plus, 2+2, TET, 1+1 International, Bigudi, UNIAN
Production | Filmmaking and dubbing, 1+1 Production
Education | High School Media & Production
Advertising | LLC “Global Media Group”
Content distribution | platform
Online |, UNIAN,, Telekritika, UT-Ukraine Today



TV Broadcasting | 1+1, Plus Plus, 2+2, TET, 1+1 International, Bigudi, UNIAN
Production | Filmmaking and dubbing, 1+1 Production
Education | High School Media & Production
Advertising | LLC “Global Media Group”
Content distribution | platform
Online |, UNIAN,, Telekritika, UT-Ukraine Today

International Business

1+1 Media is a loose holding without a legal registration in Ukraine. Separate TV channels within the holding have mother companies registered in Cyprus, Netherlands and British Virgin Islands. For instance, the TV Channel 1+1 has the following parent companies:
CME Ukraine Holding II (Netherlands), subsidiary of CME Cyprus Holding II (Cyprus), which in turn is a subsidiary of Harley Trading Limited (Belize) and Alstrom Business Corp (British Virgin Islands), owns 70% of shares; whereas “1+1 Production” (Ukraine), subsidiary of CADDOA LIMITED (Cyprus), owns the remaining 30%.

General Information

Founding Year



Oleksandr Rodnianskyi

Affiliated Interests Founder

Born in Kyiv, got a degree as a filmmaker at the Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In1995 founded the television company "1+1", which was sold to the Igor Kolomoisky's company in 2010. The former director of the Russian Media Group STS (up to 2008), the director and the producer. In 2016 he became a member of the American Film Academy. His cousin - Boris Fuksman - was co-owner of the "1+1 media" up to 2010. In 2009 Rodniansky created A.R. Films company. He is the head of the company. A.R. Films is engaged in production and distribution of films, and unites the film production company "Non-Stop Production", the developer and operator of the game platform GameNet, and the publisher of the Russian-language computer games Syncopate company and the Russian film festival "Kinotavr".




Address: 04080, Ukraine, wul. Kyrylivska, 23tel. +38 (044),

Tax/ ID Number

23729809 (for 1+1 TV company)

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)


Operating Profit (in Mill. $)


Advertising (in % of total funding)



Executive Board

Editorial Council: Smirnova Tetiana Serhiivna, head of legal office of 1+1 Media Group.

Non-Executive Board


Supervisory Board

Ihor Valeriyovuch Kolomoyskyi, owner.

Other Influential People

Oleksandr Tkachenko, Director General of 1+1 Media Group.

Further Information


Коломойский заявляет, что не продает долю в «1+1» Порошенко.

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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Meta Data

Information about staff of editorial council was found from the Register of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting and can be outdated.
Media group isn't an artificial person, but several companies, related to each other with owners and conjoint management.
Information about number of employees is absent in open information sources.


(2016, April 4). Интерфакс-Украина. Доля Коломойского в "1+1" составляет 52,843%, Игоря Суркиса – 17,157%. Retrieved in August 2016 from

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    Institute of Mass Information
    Global Media Registry
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