LLC “Ukrainian Independent Information Agency”

Site founded in 2008 initially as a website for news program TSN of channel 1+1. Currently, the site has gained popularity and weight and has its own special projects and editorial team.
Business Form
Legal Form
Business Sectors
Internet media # news agency
Individual Owner
Born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1963, got a degree as engineer-metallurgist at the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. He is a key person at the financial-industrial group "Privat". The main interests of this group are: the petroleum industry, metallurgy, mining and chemical industry, finance. Most known as one of the owners of PJSC "Privatbank" and the football club "Dnepr". In April 2010, the Harley Trading Limited company, which is owned by Igor Kolomoisky bought a group "1+1 Media" from the international company CME (Central European Media Enterprises Ltd). In 2011 Kolomoisky has been elected as president of the European Jewish Union (EJU) for five years. EJU was established to coordinate the activities of the Jewish communities in Europe. In March 2014, after Euromaidan, Kolomoisky entered public politics — became the Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. After his resignation in 2015 he continued to take part in public politics (he's associated with parties "Ukrop", "Vidrodzhennya", has influence over certain politicians, the members of other political forces). Married, has two children.

Born in Kiev in 1958. With his brother Hryhoriy Surkis, president of the Football Federation of Ukraine, owns “Ukrenergoconsulting” company (suspended now, data from State Company Register). Co-owner of TV company "TET", which is a part of the group "1+1 Media". A Co-founder, co-owner and director of the football club "Dynamo". According to the publication of "Nashy Groshy" the Surkis brothers are the minority shareholders of the OJSC "Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo", also together with Igor Kolomoisky they control PJSC "Lvivoblenergo" (all energy companies). According to Forbes-Ukraine, the brothers together with Igor Kolomoiskyi are owners of the plant "Dniprospetsstal" (steal company). Various reported on assets of the businessman in insurance companies.
In 1998 he ran for parliament from the party SDPU (u) associated with Viktor Medvedchuk (politician, leader of social movement “Ukrainsky Vybor” [Ukrainian choice]). Surkis brothers, together with Viktor Medvedchuk were co-founders of Concordia Medikal (is being suspended).

Other TV Outlets
“1+1” (audience share 11%)
Other Online Outlets Information Agency UNIAN (audience share 9,9%) TSN-UA website (audience share 15,9%)
Media Business
Media Business
TV Broadcasting | 1+1, Plus Plus, 2+2, TET, 1+1 International, Bigudi, UNIAN #
Production | Filmmaking and dubbing, 1+1 Production #
Education | High School Media & Production #
Advertising | LLC “Global Media Group” #
Content distribution | platform
Online |, UNIAN,, Telekritika, UT-Ukraine Today
TV Broadcasting | 1+1, Plus Plus, 2+2, TET, 1+1 International, Bigudi, UNIAN #
Production | Filmmaking and dubbing, 1+1 Production #
Education | High School Media & Production #
Advertising | LLC “Global Media Group” #
Content distribution | platform
Online |, UNIAN,, Telekritika, UT-Ukraine Today
International Business
CME Ukraine Holding (Cyprus) – 70% (includes a range of international companies in its structure: CME Cyprus Holdng II Limited (Cyprus), Harley Trading Limited (Belize), Alstrom Business Corp (British Virgin Islands).
Foreign enterprise “1+1 Production” (in structure of CADDOA LIMITED, Cyprus) – 30%
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Address: 04080, Ukraine, Kyrylivska, 23
tel. +38 (044) 490-01-01
Tax/ ID Number
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Executive Board
Smirnova Tetiana Serhiivna, head of legal department
Demchenko Iryna Oleksiivna, correspondent of “1+1 Studio” teleradio company
Moseychuk Natalia Mykolaivna, anchorwoman of “1+1 Studio” teleradio company
Shilenko Maksim Volodymyrovych, head of investigative journalism department, 1+1
Barannik (Tkachenko) Ganna Volodymyrivna, HR Director of 1+1 Media Group, wife of Director General Oleksandr Tkachenko
Stroiko Iryna Anatoliivna, manager of “Posidonia Trading” (Belize), which is constitutor of LLC “Molodist Distribution”, which is constitutor of LLC “Information Agency “UNIAN”
Supervisory Board
Ihor Valeriyovuch Kolomoyskyi, owner.
Nalyvaiko Oleg Ihorovych, head of the State Committee on Television and Radio-broadcasting
Other Influential People
Oleksandr Tkachenko, Director General of 1+1 Media Group.
Jaroslav Paholchuk, Executive Director of 1+1 Media Group.
Valeriy Varenytsia, head of Sales House “Plusy”(“Pluses”)
Further Information
Коломойский заявляет, что не продает долю в «1+1» Порошенко.
2,5 гривні розбрату. StarLightMedia та «1+1 медіа» про зміну УПП і перехід до ринкових відносин з провайдерами.
Приват со спутником: 1+1 покупает крупного провайдера ТВ Viasat.
Meta Data
Information about staff of editorial council was found from the Register of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting and can be outdated.
Media group isn't an artificial person, but several companies, related to each other with owners and conjoint management.
Information about number of employees is absent in open information sources.
(2016, April 4). Интерфакс-Украина. Доля Коломойского в "1+1" составляет 52,843%, Игоря Суркиса – 17,157%. Retrieved in August 2016 from
(2014, November 21). Последние новости Украины, новости дня - ТСН.ua. ГЕНДИРЕКТОР "1+1 МЕДИА" АЛЕКСАНДР ТКАЧЕНКО СКОРО ЖЕНИТСЯ. Retrieved in August 2016 from
1+1 media — офіційний сайт медіахолдингу. Анна Баранник. Retrieved in August 2016, from
Petrenko, G. (2016, July 14). Детектор медіа. Watchdog українських ЗМІ. Уроки арифметики від сейлз-хаусу «Плюси». Retrieved in August 2016 from