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Media Holding Vesti Ukraine

Media Holding Vesti Ukraine

The Media Holding includes: Vesti Newspaper, Radio Vesti, TV channel UBR, Internet Sales House Digital Decisions, and websites.

Key facts

Business Form


Legal Form

Limited Liability Company

Business Sectors

Broadcasting # Publishing # Internet media # Advertising


Individual Owner

Mozgovyi Denis Oleksandrovych

He is a citizen of Avdiivka (it is occupied by the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic). He is a front person for registration of several bogus companies that own “Vesti –Ukraina” (“News-Ukraine”) media holding as a result. Holding owns “Vesti” (“News”) newspaper, UBR TV-channel, “Vesti” (“News”) radio station, website, website and website

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Newspaper "Vesti" (3,2%)

Other TV Outlets

TV channel UBR (0,17%)

Other Radio Outlets

Radio Vesti

Other Online Outlets


Media Business

Media Business

Press | Newspaper "Vesti" #
TV | TV channel UBR #
Online |, #
Radio | Company “Radio Group”, LLC “Prime Business Group”, Radio Vesti #
Advertisement | Internet Sales House Digital Decisions

General Information

Founding Year



Igor Guzhva

Affiliated Interests Founder

Igor Guzhva long time was the chief editor of "Segodnia" newspaper (owner Rinat Akhmetov). He created newspaper and holding "Vesti" in 2013 after a two-year stay in Moscow. The man of clearly pro-Russian views. Under his management the newspaper constantly manipulated in content, causing outrage in society, but it had a distinct group of support among those who used to get it for free. Donetsk editorial office of "Vesti" supported the arrival of separatists, it is not published now.
Oleksandr Klymenko is Ukrainian businessman and politician, former Minister of Incomes and Fees of Ukraine (December 24, 2012 – February 27, 2014). The representative of the Ukrainian oligarchic clan, known as the "Yanukovych family." According to media reports, he is the owner of the newspaper "Vesti", radio "Vesti" and UBR channel.
Olga Semchenko, head of Media Holding "Vesti Ukraine", the former press secretary, civil wife of former Minister of Incomes and Fees under the regime of Yanukovych Oleksandr Klymenko. Allegedly Igor Guzhva sold her his share of ownership. In the interview to "Detector Media" Ms. Semchenko denied that its owner is Oleksandr Klymenko.




01 001, Kyiv city, Sportyvna Street, 1a, “Guliver” Busincees Center, floor 32

Tel. / Тел.: +38 044 591 03 15,

Tax/ ID Number


Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)


Operating Profit (in Mill. $)


Advertising (in % of total funding)



Executive Board

Olga Semchnko - Chairman of the Board

Non-Executive Board

Vitaliy Dokalenko - General producer Radio Vesti

Supervisory Board


Further Information


Беглый Александр Клименко переписал активы холдинга «Вести Украина» на безработного и гражданку ДНР?

Active Disguise

in addition to unavailability of true data, ownership is disguised, e. g. through bogus companies, etc.

0 ♥

Meta Data

The ownership structure of "Vesti" holding has caused many questions among media experts, since its inception in 2013. The former editor of the newspaper "Sehodnia" Igor Guzhva became editor in chief of the newspaper "Vesti" and formally he was the owner of the holding. I.Huzhva repeatedly called himself the owner of the newspaper and holding in public. The first scandal with "Vesti" holding appeared in May 2014. The bank accounts of the company were blocked, on the same day, there was searching in the headquarters of the holding. During searches was found 1.5 million UAH in cash. The main directorate of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in Sumy initiated the investigation on "Vesti" holding. The investigation was conducted within the investigation of illegal activities of some companies associated with the holding.
In 2015, department of the financial investigations of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine reported that they suspect Igor Guzhva, the editor in chief of the "Vesti" newspaper and the head of "Media Invest Group" holding in tax evasion in the amount of 17.8 million.

The chief editor of the "Vesti" newspaper and head of "Media Invest Group" holding, Igor Guzhva sold its stake, left the media holding, and resigned from the post of editor of the "Vesti" newspaper on July 29, 2015. According to his statement, the official ownership passed to the Cypriot company Media Holding Vesti Ukraine. Board of Directors of the holding company headed by Olga Semchenko is the head of the Board of Directors of the holding. Semchenko is a former press secretary of Oleksandr Klymenko - the former Minister of income and fees of Ukraine..
According to unofficial data, "Vesti" holding attributed to former Minister of income and charges of Ukraine Oleksandr Klymenko. But the documents don't show Klymenko neither the owner nor the final beneficiary.


Official web-site of UBR channel. Retrieved in August 2016, from

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    Global Media Registry
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