Publishing House Nova Informatsiya LLC
The company was created in 2005 with the name “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”. In the same year the first numbers of “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”) were issued. A year after appeared. In 2009 group started to publish “Kraina” (“Country”) magazine. The company changed its registration to “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”, LLC and re-registered media outlets of the group in 2014. “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”, LLC is a co-founder of “Advertising agency “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”)”, LLC.
Business Form
Legal Form
Limited Liability Company
Business Sectors
Publishing business (“Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”), “Kraina” (“Country”) magazine) # Advertising “Advertising agency “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”)”, LLC
Individual Owner
He is indicated as a final beneficiary of “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”, LLC. He is an assistant of the member of Ukrainian parliament Ihor Vasyunuk (7th convocation with Batkivshchyna (All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland") and 8th convocation with Narodny Front (People’s front). He is the head of “Ukrcorpinvest”, LLC and the final beneficiary of it is Oksana Vasyunuk (wife of Ihor Vasyunuk). At the personal page of Ihor Vasunik this enterprise is stated as his job before 2012. He was the head of Supervisory board.

Other Print Outlets
“Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”) (0,9%),
“Kraina” (“Country”) magazine
Other Online Outlets (9%)
Media Business
Media Business
Publishing | “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”
Advertising | “Advertising agency “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”)” LLC. One of the final beneficiaries of this agency is one of the first official owners of “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) Ruslan Nyzhnuk.
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
03680 Kyiv, Ivan Lepse boulevard, 4tel: 0(44) 496 86 51 fax: 0(44) 496 33 63e-mail:,
Tax/ ID Number
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Executive Board
Non-Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Other Influential People
Ihor Vasyunuk is a member of the Ukrainian parliament. He was born in 1969 in Lviv region. He received a degree in economics and management from the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. He worked as an advisor to the head of National Joint-Stock Company “Naftogaz”, represented “Ukrzaliznitsya” (Ukrainian railroad) in the government, was the head of the Supervisory Board in “Ukrcorpinvest” (its final beneficiary is his wife Olena Vasyunuk and its co-founder and head was Roman Vavrysh). Vavrysh is an official owner of “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”, LLC and an official paid assistant of Vasyunuk as he was a member of Ukrainian Parliament of 7th and 8th convocations (Batkivshchyna (All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland") and Narodny Front (People’s front) correspondingly). In 2015 he ran for the position of the mayor of Lviv. His brother Ivan Vasyunuk was a vice Prime Minister of Ukraine at the time of Viktor Yushchenko presidency (2007-2010).
Ruslan Nyzhnuk and Mykhailo Popadyn are final beneficiaries of “Advertising agency “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”)” founded by Nyzhnyk and “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”, LLC.
Ruslan Nyzhnyk owns a company “Ruteniyavest”. He was an assistant to the member of Ukrainian parliament Ivan Vasyunuk (brother of Ihor Vasyunyk, a vice Prime Minister of Ukraine in 2007-2010), ran for Parliament elections as a member of “Nasha Ukraina – Narodna Samooborona” (“Our Ukraine – People’s Self-defence”) in 2007.
Mykhailo Popadyn owns a law firm “Akvitans” that is a part of his common business with Bohdan Andriitsev who is a director at “Politecho Science City”, LLC. Popadyn was a head of an audit commission of “Eurogazbank” owned by family of former member of Ukrainian parliament from the party “Nasha Ukraina” (“Our Ukraine”) Oleksii Ivchenko. Roman who is a brother of Mykhailo Popadyn was an assistant of Ivchenko on a voluntary basis.
Further Information
“Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”)” found out whether Ukrainian politicians are in the war in ATO zone
Kraina” (“Country”) magazine and “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”) congratulated Lina Kostenko with an exclusive postcard
“Novela po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian novel”) contest – 2016 has started
Meta Data
There are inconsistencies with the registration of the outlet. There are two entries for “Gazeta po-ukrainski” in the State Registry, one made in 2008 (no longer valid) and the other is dated 2014. Back in 2008 the founder of the newspaper was indicated as “Nova Informatsiya” publishing group, the record of which does not exist in state registry. The research by the fiscal number associated with the publishing group resulted in yet another inconsistency. Currently the fiscal number is owned by another company and legal entity with the name “Nova Informatsiya” publishing group does not exist. Therefore, we use the information provided by Sergei Leshchenko’s research on “Ukrainska Pravda” ("Ukrainian Truth") in 2006; it helped us find an additional connection between Ihor Vasyunyk and Konstantin Zhevago and the publisher. Information about management and participation interest in the company is also available in public sources. There is almost no mention of the newspaper and magazine in media (lack of headlines), which may indicate a lack of conflict around the group, low activity and a small market share.
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State register of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of print media and information agencies as subjects of information activity. Retrieved in August 2016, from
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and civic formations. Retrieved in August 2016, from
ЧЕСНО. Retrieved in August 2016 from
Leschenko, S. (2006, December 6). Українська правда. Орбіти політичних медіа: сфера впливу Пінчука, Ахметова, Порошенка, Ющенка. Retrieved in August 2016 from
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Національний банк України. Структури власності банків України. Retrieved in August 2016, from
Сайт Ігора Васюника. Біографія Ігора Васюника. Retrieved in August 2016, from
(2001, November 26). Українська правда. Володимир Рубан відповідатиме у Ющенка за пресу. Посада прес-секретаря - вакантна. Retrieved in August 2016 from