Ihor Kolomoyskyi

Born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1963, got a degree as engineer-metallurgist at the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. He is a key person at the financial-industrial group "Privat". The main interests of this group are: the petroleum industry, metallurgy, mining and chemical industry, finance. Most known as one of the owners of PJSC "Privatbank" and the football club "Dnepr". In April 2010, the Harley Trading Limited company, which is owned by Igor Kolomoisky bought a group "1+1 Media" from the international company CME (Central European Media Enterprises Ltd). In 2011 Kolomoisky has been elected as president of the European Jewish Union (EJU) for five years. EJU was established to coordinate the activities of the Jewish communities in Europe. In March 2014, after Euromaidan, Kolomoisky entered public politics — became the Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. After his resignation in 2015 he continued to take part in public politics (he's associated with parties "Ukrop", "Vidrodzhennya", has influence over certain politicians, the members of other political forces). Married, has two children.
Metallurgy; petroleum industry; mining industry; chemical industry; food industry; finances, banking; sport; tourism;
http:/Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Henadiy Boholyubov – Privat Group partner, “PrivatBank” part-owner.
Ihor Surkis – partner in 1+1 Media Group, FC Dynamo part-constitutor.
Hryhoriy Surkis – honorary ex-president of Football Federation of Ukraine, had business in energy sphere.
Hennadiy Korban – Privat Group partner (was an official representative of “Slavutych-Capital” company), political council presidium member of “UKROP” political party.
Oleksiy Martynov – Privat Group partner in sphere of metallurgy
Oleksandr Tretiakov – businessman, one of the members of liquidated Glavded-Media Group.
Further Information
Retrieved in August 2016
Retrieved in August 2016
Retrieved in August 2016
Retrieved in September 2016
Meta Data
Media group is not a registered legal entity, therefore data was collected for each individual company separately.
Company structures include companies that aren't media, but fulfil support functions in media: LLC “Global Media Group” is deals with advertising, “1+1 Production” is linked with filmmaking and dubbing. Also the group includes OVVA.tv platform, High School Media&Production and the Catering company “Efir”.
The difficulties for researching this group were mainly related to the wide interests of the group, a great number of companies (often offshore), owners of which are unknown. Information about family members of Ihor Kolomoyskyi is not available.
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(2016, July 26). ЛІГА.Досье - Биографии политиков, история компаний, партии, важные события в Украине. Коломойский Игорь Валерьевич - фото, биография// Коломойский Игорь Валерьевич на ЛІГА.Досье. Retrieved in September 2016
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