Oksana Andreyko

Born in 1968 in Lviv, Oksana Andreyko is married to Roman Andreyko. She studied at Lviv Polytechnic University as her husband. Oksana is a co-owner of Radio-24 (50%) and one of the stakeholders in media holding “Lux” (10,1%).
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Roman Andreyko, spouse of Oksana, founder, owner and the CEO of Radio 24 and TRK Lux, politician, member of the party “Samopomich”.
Andriy Sadovyi, Mayor of Lviv, founder of TV and Radio Company Lux, Roman’s university friend, business partner and the head of the political party “Samopomich”, which Roman Andreyko also is a member of.
Kateryna Kit-Sadova, spouse of Andriy Sadovyi, the legal owner of the TV and Radio Company Lux.
Bogdan Andreyko, a son of Oksana and Roman Andreyko, studied International Relations at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv until 2014. He has been working at 24 Channel since October 2009 as a Sales Manager.
Daria Andreyko, a daughter of Oksana and Roman Andreyko, graduated from the Internationa Relations Gymnasium of Lviv in 2015. According to her Facebook profile, she worked as a Stylist at TRK Lux.
Further Information
Andrey Sadovoy re-registered his business on the name of his wife and the CEO of RK Lux. Retrieved from: http://mediananny.com/novosti/2315422/ (01.09.2016)
Meta Data
Most of the data on Oksana Andreyko’s profile was only available from her personal Facebook page. She leads a private life. Therefore, the scarcity of information about an actor may indicate that the person is in fact not an actual owner. Based on this, we concluded, that the factual owners and decision-makers can be defined based on their public exposure.
D-9; D-10; D-12; D-14; D-15; D-17; D-18; D-20; D-21; D-22