Roman Vavrysh

He is indicated as a final beneficiary of “Nova Informatsiya” (“New Information”) publishing house”, LLC. He is an assistant of the member of Ukrainian parliament Ihor Vasyunuk (7th convocation with Batkivshchyna (All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland") and 8th convocation with Narodny Front (People’s front). He is the head of “Ukrcorpinvest”, LLC and the final beneficiary of it is Oksana Vasyunuk (wife of Ihor Vasyunuk). At the personal page of Ihor Vasunik this enterprise is stated as his job before 2012. He was the head of Supervisory board.
Financial leasing | "Ukrcorpinvest", LLC. Co-founder and director #
Tax Consulting | individual entrepreneur
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Ihor Vasyunyk is a member of Ukrainian parliament. Vavrysh officially works as his assistant. He has a common business with wife of Vasyunyk Oksana
Serhiy Matyash is a company development director, manager of “Advertising agency “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”), LLC
Ruslan Nyzhnyk co-owner of “Advertising agency “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”), LLC, businessman and “Nasha Ukraina” (“Our Ukraine”) party representative
Mykhailo Popadan co-owner of “Advertising agency “Gazeta po-ukrainski” (“Ukrainian newspaper”), LLC, a head of an audit commission of “Eurogazbank” owned by the family of the former member of the Ukrainian parliament from the party “Nasha Ukraina” (“Our Ukraine”) Oleksii Ivchenko.
Further Information
Candidates to the post of Lviv mayor. Analysis from CHESNO
Meta Data
Main sources for finding connections were public state registers. But we also used publications in respected media because they contain references to the history of the formation of the company, and this data is no longer available in the registers due to made changes.
Новини на Останні новини дня України та світу
State register Ministry of justice of Ukraine of print media and information agencies as subjects of information activity. Retrieved on August 2016, from
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual enterpreneurs and civic formations . Retrieved on August 2016, from
ЧЕСНО. Retrieved from
Українська правда. Орбіти політичних медіа: сфера впливу Пінчука, Ахметова, Порошенка, Ющенка...
Stockworld — главный портал о фондовом рынке. Річна звітність емітента. Retrieved on August 2016 from
Національний банк України. Національний банк України. Retrieved on August 2016 from
Програма Ігоря ВАСЮНИКА. Біографія Ігоря ВАСЮНИКА
Українська правда. Володимир Рубан відповідатиме у Ющенка за пресу. Посада прес-секретаря - вакантна