Sergiy Kurchenko

He and his businesses are affiliated with Viktor Yanukovych, the former President of Ukraine. Born in Kharkiv in 1985, Sergiy has a degree in accounting and auditing, intellectual property and law. His spheres of interests include oil and gas industry; he is the owner of FC "Metallist" (Kharkov). In 2009 he was the owner of the company "Gas of Ukraine", which subsequently focused its assets in the holding SEPEK (Eastern European Fuel-Energy Company). The company also acquired the assets of "Lukoil" - Odessa refinery, which at this time is in the process of bankruptcy. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov reported on suspicion of SEPEK in tax evasion. The whereabouts of Sergey Kurchenko are unknown. He is in the international wanted list.
oil and gas industry | SEPEK or VETEK | # GazUkraine-2009 | GazUkraine-2020 #
sport | Football club "Metalist”
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Victor Yanukovych, ex-President of Ukraine
Sergiy Arbuzov,former First Vice-Prime-Minister
Oleksandr Yanukovych, Victor Yanukovych's son and Kurchenko's business partner
Olena Bondarenko, before 2015 was head of Supervisory Board of UMH, member of Ukrainian Parliament from Yanukovych's party until 2014
Katsuba Oleksandr Volodymyrovych, business partner, former head of Naftogaz
Katsuba Serhii Volodymyrovych, business partner, Member of the Parliament (2012-2014), the Party of Regions
Further Information
Досрочное закрытие сделки. Курченко стал собственником UMH group:,
Австрійська прокуратура закрила справу про відмивання грошей щодо Ложкіна і Курченка:,
ГПУ подозревает Курченко в руководстве преступной организацией
(17.06.16) Прокуратура задержала экс-замглавы "Нафтогаза" Александра Кацубу по делу Курченко (обновлено). Retrieved in September 2016 from:
Meta Data
Sergiy Kurchenko is legally not bound to his media businesses and groups, i.e. does not appear as an owner in legal documents. Yet there is evidence to assume that he is the actual final owner. For instance, UMH in its statement (on its official website) indirectly confirmed ties with Kurchenko when commenting about Forbes international withdrawing its license from Ukrainian Forbes. In SEPEK Press Release, published at “Liga Business Inform” Kurchenko himelf comments on his (SEPEK) purchase of UMH in 2013 (21 June).
Information on affiliation of Kurchenko with UMH was also confirmed by the registry of court decisions. In particular, the decision on collection of debts from "Correspondent" to "Ukreximbank" the third party indicated the company of Kurchenko "SEPEK", in Ukrainian transliteration (Eastern European Fuel Energy Company) - business owned by Sergiy Kurchenko (press release published by Information Agency "Interfax"). All the businesses included in the UMH, indicate a citizen of Belize, Bradely Matthew Adrian, as the final owner. The latter is currently a director at 35 other off-shore companies – google searches result with this name being linked to Panama Papers. There is very little data available from the official sources, the most part of data was acquired from journalists’ investigations and news about criminal investigation with official comments of prosecutors.
Unified Public Register of Court Decisions. Retrieved on August 2016 from
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual enterpreneurs and civic formations . Retrieved on August 2016, from
(2013, November 5). Новости - последние новости Украины и мира сегодня - Досрочное закрытие сделки. Курченко стал собственником UMH group - Retrieved from
(2016, February 3). Наші гроші. «Укрексімбанк» і досі стягує 192 мільйони за кредит Курченку на купівлю медіахолдингу Ложкіна. Retrieved from
(2015, August 8). Official web-site of UMH. Заявление относительно отсутствия доступа к сайту Retrieved from
(2013, June 21). Бизнес новости дня в Украине и мире // Ліга.Бизнес. Компания Курченко прокомментировала покупку UMH group // Ліга.Бизнес. Retrieved from
(2013, May 27). Новини - останні новини України та світу сьогодні - Корреспондент: Золотий хлопець. Інтерв’ю з найбільш загадковим українським бізнесменом Сергієм Курченком - Retrieved from
Babinec', A., & Sedlec'ka, N. (2014, March 1). Радіо Свобода. Нотатки охоронця Януковича. Retrieved from
(2016, June 11). Интерфакс-Украина. Задержан и арестован Сухомлин по подозрению в незаконном завладении госимуществом. Retrieved from
(2013, June 21). Интерфакс-Украина. Владелец ВЕТЭК Курченко покупает крупный российско-украинский медиахолдинг UMH group. Retrieved from
(2015, November 28). FINBALANCE. Все про економіку та фінанси. . Компанії Курченка повинні сплатити Укрексімбанку комісію 115,7 млн грн., - рішення судів . Retrieved from