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The Bagraev family: Mykola Bagraev, Svitlana Bagraeva and Ruslan Bagraev

The Bagraev family: Mykola Bagraev, Svitlana Bagraeva and Ruslan Bagraev

Сo-owners of Tavr Media GroupMykola Bagraev – former member of the Parliament (2002-2014), was a member of committee on press freedom in the Parliament, and in 2012 become deputy head of the committee; member of National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine (2000-2002); Chairman of the Supervisory Board of radio group “Tavr media”. He is a founder of the festival “Tavriiski igry” (Tavrian games). Svitlana is his wife and Ruslan is his son.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets



Show business | LLC “Tavriiski igry” (Tavrian games)

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Pinchuk family as co-owners of Tavr media group as well as Victor Volosyuk who worked as assistant for Mr.Bagraev when he was member of Parliament (2002-2014)
Politically close to Mykola Tomenkо who was a head of the committee on press freedom in Ukrainian Parliament in 2000-s. Bagraev was a member of that committee too and provided provided projects of laws together with Tomenko.

Further Information


Who owns Ukrainian Radio stations: from “Tavr Radio” to “Hromadske Radio”

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥

Meta Data

Specificity of this radio group (conditional holding) is the fact that there is no legal basis (company) for it.


State register Ministry of justice of Ukraine of print media and information agencies as subjects of information activity. Retrieved on August 2016, from

  • Project by
    Institute of Mass Information
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by