Viktor Volosiuk
Сo-owner of Tavr Media Group, owner of LLC “Tehnomedia-R”Worked as assistant to Mykola Bagraev, former member of the Parliament of Ukraine, also co-owner of this radio group. From 2002 to 2014 (Convocations: 4,5,6,7)
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Pinchuk and Bagraev families as co-owners of Tavr media group
Further Information
Who owns Ukrainian Radio stations: from “Tavr Radio” to “Hromadske Radio”
“Tavr media”, М1 and М2 surprised by its complicated structure
Meta Data
Specificity of this radio group (conditional holding) is the fact that there is no legal basis (company) for it.
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual enterpreneurs and civic formations . Retrieved on August 2016, from
Official web-site of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. State register of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. Retrieved on August 2016 from
Главная :: Персональный сайт Сергея Руденко. Баграев Николай. ДОСЬЕ :: Персональный сайт Сергея Руденко. Retrieved on August 2016 from
Official web-site of M1 channel. Retrieved on August 2016, from
Посіпаки: реєстр помічників депутатів Верховної Ради. Посіпаки: Волосюк Віктор Михайлович, помічник народного депутата. Retrieved on August 2016 from
(2016, April 8). МедиаНяня - таблоид для и про медиа. «Тавр медиа», М1 и М2 удивили запутанной структурой собственности. Retrieved from