Yurii Butusov

Chief-editor and probably the owner of online media Censor.NetWas born in Kiev in 1976. Worked as a journalist since 2000 for “Kievskie Vedomosti”, “Dzerkalo Tyzhdnya” (Mirror of the week). In 2004 founded Censor.netIn 2007 become a CEO in a media holding of the Socialistic Party of Ukraine (the head of the party was Oleksandr Moroz). He wrote a screenplay for “Orange sky” (2005), became a producer for a film “Fear illusion” (2008, novel written by Oleksandr Turchynov).Chairman and co-founder of NGO “Ukrainian foundation for strengthening the national security”, NGO “Agency of free information”. Also is referred to as military expert and appears in this way in press.
Individual entrepreneur | news agencies, information activity, research of market and public opinion
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Anton Geraschennko - advisor of the Minister of internal affairs, co-founder of the NGO “Ukrainian foundation for strengthening of national security”
Michail Brodskiy - was a chairman of the board of directors in the newspaper “Kievsskie Vedomodti” has influence on “Dzerkalo Tyzhdnya”, his family owns online newspaper “Obozrevatel”. Gennadiy Korban, Boris Filatov - were ideologists and first sponsors of volunteer batalions in 2014, members of Kolomoiskiy’s team
Further Information
Butusov: comment on a case of “subversive group inrush” in Crimea
Ukrainian journalist refuted Poroshenko’s words about “revenge” for Ilovaisk kettle
Butusov gave his investigation about incident in Crimea and said about failure of special forses of RF
Meta Data
Since internet is not legally considered media, there is no company behind the website and it is therefore difficult to obtain information about structure of the enterprise.
Цензор.НЕТ - последние новости дня
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual enterpreneurs and civic formations . Retrieved on August 2016, from https://usr.minjust.gov.ua/