
The website Korrespondent.Net – is a news online platform, which is a part of UMH. Officially it was launched on 1 September 2000, that is 1,5 year earlier than the magazine Korrespondent. It has two versions: in Russian and in Ukrainian. Until November 2013, the Editor-in-Chief was Yulia McGaffi, who worked there for more than 13 years. She left her post after UMH had been bought by SEPEK. The website is not an e-version of the Korrespondent magazine. However, after the UMH was bought by SEPEK, there was information about unifying the Editorial of the magazine and website together.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
free content
Media Companies / Groups
Ownership Structure
There is hardly any information, but that the website is a part of the UMH. The Holding belongs to a dummy owner Bradley Matthew Adrian.
Voting Rights
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
UMH Group
Affiliated Interests Founder
UMH group – is a media holding that unites an array of various media, including magazine and website Korrespondent, newspapers KP in Ukraine and Argumenty i Fakty (Arguments and Facts), magazines Telenedelia, Football and Forbes, radio Retro FM, Europa Plus, Avtoradio, Nashe Radio, Jam FM, Lounge FM, online outlets Bigmir.net, tochka.net, and some media in Russia. UMH includes a retail chain “Tvoya Pressa” (Your Press) with 510 sales spots in Ukraine.
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Maksym Minin
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Before Maksym Minin became Editor-in-Chief of Korrespondent, he had been Editorial Assistant at Bigmir.net.
Other Important People
Sergiy Kurchenko is the director of the SEPEK (VITEK) Group, that bought UMH from Borys Lozhkin in 2013.
Olena Bondarenko.
Affiliated Interests other important people
Sergiy Kurchenko is the director of the SEPEK (VITEK) Group, that bought UMH from Borys Lozhkin in 2013/
In 2012 Energy Holding “Has Ukrayina” (Gas Ukraine) became well-known. The CEO of it was 27-year-old lawyer from Kharkiv Sergiy Kurchenko. The Holding sells liquid and natural gas as its main activity. In 2012 Kurchenko also bought a Kharkiv football club “Metalist”.
In 2014 the Holding Gas Ukraine announces a merging of energy assets under a new brand SEPEK (East-European Petrol-Energy Company).
Media link Kurchenko to the Deputy from the Party of Regions Atrem Pshonka, who was friends with the son of Viktor Yanukovych, Oleksandr.
Olena Bondarenko, the Head of Supervisory Committee of the UMH since 26 September 2014.
Kolesnikova. People’s Deputy of Ukraine in three Convocations of Verkhovna Rada. An opponent of the EuroMaydan, and a supporter of the infamous “dictatorship laws” of 16 January. Was a political journalist in Donetsk, and later on became the head of Donetsk Oblrada Press Service.
04073 Kyiv,
Kurenivskyi Alley 17G.
Tel.. 044 207 97 00
Contacts of Korrespondent website and magazine were unified in 2013.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Market Share
Further Information
Главред Корреспондент.net уволилась, http://lb.ua/news/2013/11/22/242449_glavred_korrespondentnet.html
Редактор сайту "Кореспондент" також звільнилась "за згодою сторін", http://tyzhden.ua/News/94613/PrintView
Раскулачить Курченко. Что на самом деле происходит с радиостанциями УМХ, и какая роль в этом отведена Нацсовету, http://mediananny.com/raznoe/2317770/
Сергей Курченко приобрел медиахолдинг UMH Group, https://daily.rbc.ua/rus/show/vetek-priobrela-98-aktsiy-mediaholdinga-umh-group-21062013083900
Ложкин: медиахолдинг UMH group на момент продажи "достиг потолка", https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/lozhkin-mediaholding-umh-group-moment-prodazhi-1458504102.html
Meta Data
There is hardly any information, but that the website is a part of the UMH.
Official Website of UMH Group. Наш Бизнес. Retrieved in September 2016, from http://umhgroup.com/ru/umh-business
УКРАИНСКИЙ МЕДИА ХОЛДИНГ, ЗАО. Business Catalogue. Retrieved in September 2016, from http://www.ua-region.info/30374737
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and civic formations. Retrieved in August 2016, from https://usr.minjust.gov.ua/