“UNIAN” structure includes information agency, “UNIAN-FM' radio and the satellite TV-channel “UNIAN-TB”. The last was renewed in year 2014 ru.telekritika.ua/rinok/2014-02-24/90768)
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
free content
Media Companies / Groups
LLC “Ukrainian Independent Information Agency”
Ownership Structure
Juristic founders of LLC “UNIAN” are “Lacasty LTD” and LLC “Well-Rise”. The last is founded by “Lacasty LTD”, belonging to final beneficial owners Ihor Kolomoyskyi and Henadiy Boholyubov.
Voting Rights
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
National Journalist's Union of Ukraine and National Jurist's Union of Ukraine
Affiliated Interests Founder
Artem Kovaliov, Director General
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Was inducted as Director General on 3 March 2014. Before it was Director General in holding “Glavred Media”, which was liquidated later. “Telekritika” has information, that he was also financial director of 1+1 Media Group's non-TV assets, and worked also on developing of the “UNIAN” informational agency. I. e. Artem Kovaliov is known as manager of 1+1 Media Group mass media.
Editor-in-Chief Mykhailo Gannytskyi
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
He is director of “1+1 Internet” company, which bears responcibility of online projects of the group. Before working in 1+1 Media he worked as editor-in-chief of “Segodnya” website.
Other Important People
Commercial director Oksana Syrotenko
Natalia Tkachenko is noted in information for subscribers, works in commercial activity of information agency (work with subscribers).
Affiliated Interests other important people
01001, Kyiv, wul. Khreshchatyk, 4
tel.: +38 (044) 498-07-60
fax: +38 (044) 498-07-60
e-mail: headquoters@unian.net
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Market Share
Further Information
In May 2012 collective of UNIAN stated about censorship.
Meta Data
Information about ownership structure is compiled from different free sources, such as State Company Register, and is collated with “Privat TB Dnipro” company structure, which is founded by the same persons.
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and civic formations. Retrieved in August 2016, from https://usr.minjust.gov.ua/
Official web-site of this media group. Retrieved in September 2016, from http://media.1plus1.ua/
Official web-site of UNIAN. Retrieved in September 2016, from http://www.unian.ua/
(2012, May 16). Official web-site of UNIAN. В УНІАН – новий шеф-редактор. Retrieved in September 2016 from http://www.unian.ua/society/649678-v-unian-noviy-shef-redaktor.html
(2014, March 3). Телекритика. Генеральним директором УНІАН став Артем Ковальов. Retrieved in September 2016 from http://ru.telekritika.ua/rinok/2014-03-03/91037
(2014, February 24). Телекритика. «1+1 медіа» перезапустила УНІАН-ТБ. Retrieved in September 2016 from http://ru.telekritika.ua/rinok/2014-02-24/90768
(2016, April 22). Ліга.Досьє. Боголюбов Геннадий. Retrieved in September 2016 from http://file.liga.net/person/493-gennadii-bogolubov.html
(2008, May 27). Телекритика. UMH провела приватне розміщення 15% акцій на біржі та планує інвестувати $30 млн. у телепроекти. Retrieved in September 2016 from http://ru.telekritika.ua/news/2008-05-27/38640