Novyny 24 godyny LLC
News One channel started broadcasting in 2010. In 2015 changed the channel logo design, graphic design and studio. Originally the channel was owned by Rudolph Kirnos (owner of TV Ru Music). In August 2010 - 50% of the shares of the channel were moved to media holding of Vadim Rabinovich, Media International Group (MIG); In May 12, 2011 the 50% of shares owned by "Reality Ti-Vi" were appropriated by Vadim Rabinovich personally, as a result he holds 100% of shares of the channel News One. From January 2014 he is a member of the Party of Regions (Opposition bloc) People's Deputy of Ukraine Yevhen Murayev.
Business Form
Legal Form
Limited Liability Company
Business Sectors
Production of film and video, television programs (basic); Broadcasting.
Individual Owner
Yevhenii Volodymyrovych Muraiev
Yevhenii Muraiev, born in 1976 in Kharkiv Region. People's Deputy of Ukraine of Opposition Bloc. Known for his Kremlin-backed position. Became the owner of News One channel in 2014. Head of the Committee on Taxation and Customs Policy, in the shadow government (from 2015) he is the Minister of Economic Development and Trade
In response to the rumors concerning the probable sale of his channel to the President's team he says the following: " Frankly speaking, I have never seen Poroshenko or his henchmen. And I would have never conducted any negotiations with these people. And talking about channel sale would be the last thing".

Other TV Outlets
News One Channel (0,58%)
Media Business
Media Business
Production | films, video, television programs LLC "Novyny 24 godyny" #
Broadcasting | News One Channel – LLC "Novyny 24 godyny"
General Information
Founding Year
Vadym Rabynovych
Affiliated Interests Founder
Member of the Parliament of Ukraine, Member of the parliamentary committee for tax and customs policy, the opposition government (since 2015), Minister of Economic Development and Trade. He sold the channel News One in 2014 to Eugene Murayev, member of the parliament from Party "Opposition bloc". Known for his pro-Russian position.
03056, KYIV,Polyova street, 21+380 44 220 2871Fax: +380 44 220
Tax/ ID Number
Executive Board
Olena Rudyk - before working to the News One was chairman of First Business TV Channel (owner of Party of Regions member Igor skin)
Other Influential People
Svitlana Orlovska - Editor-in-Chief
Igor Zolotarevskyi - General producer
Daria Ogyr - Creative producer
Further Information
Meta Data
There is no financial information or information about the number of employees.
(2014, November 12). МедиаНяня. NewsOne похвастался обновками. Retrieved in August 2016 from
(2015, September 17). Власник News One спростував інформацію про продаж телеканалу. Retrieved in August 2016 from
NewsONE. Структура власності. Retrieved in August 2016, from
(2016, August 13). Українські Новини. Нардеп Мураєв допоміг Азарову втекти в Росію у лютому 2014, - журналістка. Retrieved in August 2016 from
(2016, August 13). Цензор.НЕТ. Азарова вивіз Мураєв: Азарова з України вивіз нардеп Євген Мураєв, - Борислав Береза. Retrieved in August 2016 from