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Andriy Karpiy

Andriy Karpiy

The only owner of the I Ukrainian Radio Group.Founder and President of the NGO of TV and Radio empolyees "Broadcasting Association of Ukraine". In 2008 was a partner Andriy Sadovy by PJSC "Radio Deluxe".

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets



Agrobusiness | LLC “Healthy food” #

Trading | LLC “VSP Tehnogaz” #

Real Estate | LLC “Ofis na Dmytrivskiy” (Office on Dmytrivska)


Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Members of family his have no official affiliation with his business

Further Information


National Council (of TV and radio broadcasting) spared former Kurchnko's radio station, which is owned by Andriy Karpiy now
Who owns Ukrainian Radio stations: from “Tavr Radio” to “Hromadske Radio”
“Tavr media”, М1 and М2 surprised by its complicated structure

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥

Meta Data

Specificity of this radio group (conditional holding) is the fact that there is no legal basis (company) for it. Other businesses were identified by name and address of the owner. Data Publicly Available except ownership structure of the Best FM


Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual enterpreneurs and civic formations . Retrieved on August 2016, from

  • Project by
    Institute of Mass Information
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by