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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Institute of Mass Information (IMI) - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry similarly to the TRK Lux media holding, has been established as a mere phenomenon of Lviv or Galician region. Proportionally to the growth in popularity of TRK Lux and well-being of Andriy Sadovys business, the media holding has been increasing its scale. Now the website has become nation-wide and the company’s headquarters moved from Lviv to Kyiv. The website has a Russian version, indicating its interest in the audience from Southern and Eastern Ukraine.

Key facts

Audience Share


Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

free content

Media Companies / Groups



Ownership Structure

The site 24 is owned by:
Kit-Sadova Kateryna Orestivna - 76.7838% (wife of Andriy Sadovyi, Head of Lviv Municipal Council, founder of Lux Broadcasting Company) and close associates of A, Sadovy:
Andreiko Roman Bohdanovych - 13.1065% and his wife Andreiko Oksana Yuriivna - 10.1096%.

Voting Rights


Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Andriy Sadovyi

Affiliated Interests Founder

The site 24 is owned by:
Kit-Sadova Kateryna Orestivna - 76.7838% (wife of Andriy Sadovyi, Head of Lviv Municipal Council, founder of Lux Broadcasting Company) and close associates of Sadovy:
Andreiko Roman Bohdanovych - 13.1065% and his wife Andreiko Oksana Yuriivna - 10.1096%.


Roman Andreiko

Affiliated Interests Ceo

Roman Andreiko is the co-owner of 24 Channel. He was born in Lviv in 1968, graduated from Lviv Polytechnic University. In 1995, he worked at Radio Lux FM. Since 1993 he worked as a Technical Director, then he became CEO. He was the Executive Partner of Lux Media Holding as well. In 1999 in 1998-2002 he was elected to Lviv Municipal Council. In 2014-2015 he was Deputy Head of Kyiv Municipal Council and a permanent member of the Committee on Information Policy and Advertising there. Roman is a close friend of Andriy Sadovyi, Head of Lviv Municipal Council, and the founder of Lux Broadcasting Company since they studied together in Lviv. He is married to Oksana Andreiko, who is the third co-owner.


Anatolii Yavorskyi

Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief

Joined after leaving another Ukrainian news website Obozrevatel.

Other Important People

Andriy Sadovyi, the Head of Lviv Municipal Council.

Affiliated Interests other important people

Andriy Sadovyi was born on 19.08.1968 in Lviv. A graduate of Lviv Technical School of Radioelectronics, he later obtained three degrees, including Electronic Engineering degree from Lviv Polytechnic State University, where he met Roman Andreyko, Finance and Economics degree and finally a Master’s degree in State Governance. In 2002-2006 he was the Head of the Board of “TV and Radio Company Lux”. Since 2005 he is the leader of the political party “Samopomich”. In 2006 he was elected as the Mayor of Lviv for the first time, followed by elections in 2010. Andriy Sadovyi is still the Mayor of Lviv and is married to Kateryna Kit-Sadova (the current co-owner of the “TV and Radio Company Lux”). Together they have five sons.


Volodymyrska Street, Building 61/11,office 50, Kyiv

+38 032 242 2424

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)


Operating Profit (in Mill. $)


Advertising (in % of total funding)


Market Share


Further Information


Медіахолдинг Андрія Садового приносить 300 тис. грн доходу на рік ,

Meta Data

Data on 24 channel and its website which is an individual project, are among the most open in Ukraine and were as such before the enactment of the Law on Media Ownership. However, the de facto primary owner is Andriy Sadovyi, the Head of Lviv Municipal Council


Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and civic formations. Retrieved in August 2016, from

  • Project by
    Institute of Mass Information
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by